Password Reset & User Profile


Passwords can be changed in three places in the system. All users can change passwords from the log-in page and on the User Profile page, accessed via the appic_myaccount.jpg link in the upper right corner of every page. Some users have "write" permissions to the Users page, where they can change their own passwords, as well as the passwords of other users.

Change your own contact information, including name, email, and telephone number, on the User Profile page.

RULE TO REMEMBER: Usernames and passwords must have at least 6 characters.

Reset password from log-in page



NOTE:  Once are logged in, you can change your assigned password on the User Profile page. Access this page by clicking the appic_myaccount.jpg in the upper right corner of the page.

Change password

Change user contact information

The system lets you manage your log-in and personal information via the my account link in the upper right corner of the page.

TIP: Copy your password directly from the email you receive to avoid typos. Be careful not to copy spaces or punctuation marks.