Department : UBC Counselling Services

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Member Site Information
APPIC Member Number: 1840
Program Type: Internship
Membership Type: Full Membership
Site: University of British Columbia Counselling Services
Department: UBC Counselling Services
Address: 1874 East Mall, Room 1040
1874 East Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T1Z1
Country: Canada
Metro Area: Vancouver (Surrey, Burnaby)
Not Applicable
Distance from Major City: The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus, is located 10 kilometres from downtown Vancouver
Phone: 604-822-3811
Fax: 604-822-4957
Training Director Email:
Co-Training Director Email:
Web Address: http://1874 East Mall
Brochure Website's Address:
Primary Agency Type: University Counseling Center
Additional Agency Types:
  • University Counseling Center
Member of APPIC since:
APA Accreditation Not Accredited
CPA Accreditation Accredited
Internship Staff/Faculty Information
Training Director: Kirk Beck
Chief Psychologist: Kirk Beck
Number of Full-Time Licensed Doctoral Psychologists on Staff/Faculty 13
Number of Part-Time Licensed Doctoral Psychologists on Staff/Faculty 0
Position Information
Start Date: 08/18/2025
Number of Full Time Slots Expected Next Class: 4
Number of Part Time Slots Expected Next Class: 0
Full Time Annual Stipend for Next Class: 47740
Part Time Annual Stipend for Next Class: 0
Fringe Benefits: Dissertation Release Time, Professional Development Time, Sick Leave, Vacation
Other Fringe Benefits (not indicated above): Interns receive 3 weeks (15 days/8 hours per day) vacation; all university holidays; up to 5 days for professional development and/or for dissertation work/defense; reimbursement of up to $500.00 for workshops/conferences. We provide relocation and moving expenses to interns of up to $1,000.00. Note: the stipend is in Canadian dollars. We provide opportunities for interns to work from home (WFH) one day per week on Thursday.
Brief description of the typical work day for an intern at this training site A typical day is 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (or 9 am - 5 pm) and includes a mix of individual counselling sessions (follow-up sessions), supervision, and a new client or crisis appointment. Interns also facilitate individual drop-in appointments, group counselling programs, and provide practicum supervision once per week. Interns receive administrative time for note writing, consultation with other professionals, planning interventions, etc. Interns participate in weekly staff meetings and didactic training activities.
Does this site have practicum psychology students on site? Yes
Doctoral Psychology Practicum StudentsNo
Masters Psychology Practicum StudentsYes
Do Psychology Interns/Postdocs Have the Opportunity to Supervise Practicum Students?Yes
Is this program fully affiliated with one or more doctoral programs? No
Is this program partially affiliated with one or more doctoral programs? No
Internship Application Process
Accepting Applicants: Yes
Application Due Date: 11/01/2024 11:59 PM EST
Interviews at this site are: Not Offered
A Virtual Interview is: Required
Interview notification date: 12/06/2024
Tentative interview date: 01/02/2025 - 01/17/2025
Interview process description:

Internship positions are open to doctoral students who are formally enrolled in a CPA counselling or clinical psychology program. Applicants from the APA and non-accredited programs that are CPA eligible will also be considered. In the selection process, priority is given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Applicants must have received formal approval from their Director of Training to apply for internship. A criminal records check is required for applicants matched with our program.


Applicants are notified by email on Friday, December 6, 2024, of offer of interview. Applicants who are offered an interview can then respond/book their interview right away, we are using the NMS (National Match Service) Interview Scheduler. Interview dates are offered during the first two weeks in January each year, interview blocks are 1 hour in length. All of our interviews are virtual using the Zoom platform to support a safe, cost-effective, and equitable selection process. The selection committee consists of a staff psychologist, current interns, and the Training Director. The selection committee follows a standard set of questions, and we make time for questions from applicants toward the end of the interview. Upon completion of the interview, applicants are provided with the opportunity to contact a current intern for any questions about our training site and these discussions are confidential and non-evaluative.


How to obtain application info: Visit Website
Preferred method of contacting the program: Email the Program
We have matched with interns from these programs: We have had interns from many programs in Canada and some from the USA including University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Alberta, University of Regina, University of Saskatchewan, York University, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, Concordia University, McGill University, Antioch University, Texas Tech University
Internship Applicant Requirements
US Citizenship Required: No
If NOT a U.S. Citizen, Authorization to Work or to Engage in Practical Training (CPT or OPT) in the US is Required: No
Canadian Citizenship Required: No
If NOT a Canadian Citizen, Authorization to Work in Canada or to Engage in Practical Training (CPT or OPT) in Canada is Required: Yes
Masters Degree Required: No
Comprehensive Exams Passed: Yes, by application deadline
Dissertation Proposal Approved: Yes, by application deadline
Dissertation Defended: No
Minimum Number of AAPI Intervention Hours (if applicable): 350
Minimum Number of AAPI Assessment Hours (if applicable):
Minimum Number of Combined Intervention and Assessment Hours (if applicable):
Does your program require applicants to submit supplemental materials (i.e., an assessment report and/or a case/treatment summary): No
Minimum Number of Years of Grad Training Required (if applicable): 3
Accepted / Not-Accepted Program Types
Clinical Psychology Accepted
Counseling Psychology Accepted
School Psychology Not Accepted
APA-Accredited Accepted
CPA-Accredited Accepted
Non-Accredited Not Accepted
Ph.D Degree Accepted
Psy.D. Degree Accepted
Ed.D. Degree Accepted
This institution, department, internship, or postdoctoral program requires trainees to sign a statement about personal behavior and/or religious beliefs as a condition of admission and/or retention in the program: No
How to obtain text of statement:
Other Requirements:
Program Description

UBC utilizes a Collaborative, Stepped Care approach to service delivery, providing a broad range of services and resources to a large and highly diverse young adult/adult university student population of more than 65,000 students. Services we provide within this approach include initial assessment and referral to the most appropriate level of care, crisis intervention, individual and group counselling, single session therapy, consultation to staff and faculty, and collaborating with mental health professionals both on and off campus. Presenting concerns at the center are often severe and complex and include anxiety, depression, relationship and family, traumatic experiences, eating and body image, substance use, identity/transition/adjustment, risk (e.g., self-harming behaviours, suicidality), and psychopathology.

The Pre-doctoral Internship Program at the University of British Columbia is committed to providing a Scientist-Practitioner model of training. Training activities and services we provide reflect the interdependent nature in social science and clinical practice. Within this model, focus is on careful assessment of client concerns, the application of critical thinking and conceptualization, drawing on proven treatments, and evaluation of interventions. We embrace a developmental approach to facilitate the transition from graduate student to professional psychologist.

Our training program builds on the knowledge and skills that interns acquire during graduate training and prepares them for entry level positions as generalist practitioners. Interns develop core skills in clinical assessment, individual and group counselling, crisis intervention, collaborative stepped care, and providing supervision to master's-level counsellors. For applicants with training/experience in sport psychology, we provide opportunities to work with varsity student-athletes. 

Our internship program begins with a structured 3-week training orientation, with the focus of acquainting interns with UBC’s service delivery model, policies and procedures of the Counselling Services, expectations of the internship, and the development of intern goals. In collaboration with staff and supervisors, interns identify initial strengths and growing edges. As the internship unfolds, new goals are set and interns assume increasing levels of responsibility and autonomy.

We expect that interns will make developmental transitions throughout the program including enhancing confidence in their skills, consolidating their professional identity, and increasing their ability to function autonomously. By the end of the internship, interns are prepared for entry-level practice and commonly achieve employment as practitioners in independent practice or community mental health center or a health maintenance organization, medical contexts, as staff members in university/college counselling centers, and as adjunct/faculty members in academic departments.

The goal of our Internship Program at Counselling Services is to provide a training environment that will prepare interns to become competent and versatile generalists in the practice of professional psychology. The Pre-doctoral Internship at the University of British Columbia has six overarching goals, which reflect our training philosophy. They are: (1)  To facilitate clinical competence in assessment and case conceptualization; (2) To develop effective clinical intervention skills, and demonstrate these skills with a variety of presenting concerns and in different modalities (e.g., individual and group counselling); (3) To enhance awareness and knowledge of cultural and individual diversity, efforts to decolonize clinical practices, and to integrate this understanding into all forms of service delivery; (4) To develop knowledge and skill in consultation and collaborative stepped care; (5) To acquire skills in providing supervision to practicum counsellors; and (6) To facilitate the acquisition of skills and competencies in self-awareness/reflective practice, professional behaviour, and professional identity development.

Counselling Services is committed to pluralism, the creation of an inclusive campus community in which students, staff, and faculty feel respected, valued and celebrated for their unique identity and experience as well as empowered to contribute fully as active participants in our campus community. In keeping with this commitment, Counselling Services provides services and programs which are sensitive and responsive to the broad range of diversity within the student population including but not limited to gender, race, culture, ability, and sexual orientation.

Internship Training Opportunities


Adolescents: Yes
Adults: Yes
Older Adults: Yes
Ethnic minorities: Yes
Deaf/Hearing-impaired: Yes
Students: Yes
International Students: Yes
Rural: Yes
Urban: Yes
Low income: Yes
People without housing: Yes
Other: Indigenous students

Treatment Modalities

Assessment: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Individual Therapy: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Couples Therapy: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Family Therapy: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Group Therapy: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Community Intervention:
Consultation/Liaison: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Crisis Intervention: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Brief Psychotherapy: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Long-term Psychotherapy: Experience (21% to 30%)
Cognitive Rehabilitation:
Primary Care:
Evidenced Based Practice: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Evidence Based Research: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Supervision of Practicum students : Exposure (1% to 20%)


Health Psychology: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Women's Health: Exposure (1% to 20%)
HIV/AIDS: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Eating Disorders: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Sexual Disorders: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Sports Psychology: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Rehabilitation Psychology:
Physical Disabilities: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Learning Disabilities: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Developmental Disabilities: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Assessment: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Serious Mental Illness: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Anxiety Disorders: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Trauma/PTSD: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Sexual Abuse: Experience (21% to 30%)
Substance Use Disorders: Experience (21% to 30%)
Sexual Offenders:
Counseling: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Vocational/Career Development:
Multicultural Therapy: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Feminist Therapy: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Religion/Spirituality: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Empirically-Supported Treatments: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Public Policy/Advocacy: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Program Development/Evaluation: Experience (21% to 30%)
Supervision: Experience (21% to 30%)
Research: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Administration: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Integrated health care - primary: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Integrated health care - specialty:

Additional information about training opportunities: Not all rotations or training experiences may be available as described in the APPIC Directory. Please consult the program's application materials or their website at: 1874 East Mall  for a complete description of the training opportunities available at this training site. IF the site has not updated their information by August 1, feel free to contact the Training Director for additional information.

Summary of the Characteristics of the Specified Internship Class
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Number of Completed Applications: 11 18 16 40 37 41 26
Number of applicants invited for interviews: 10 14 13 30 28 27 25
Total number of interns: 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
Total number of interns from APA/CPA accredited programs: 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
Total number of interns from Ph.D. programs: 2 2 4 4 4 4 4
Total number of interns from Psy.D. programs: 1 1
Total number of interns from Ed.D. programs: 0
Number of interns that come from a Clinical Psychology program 1 2 2 2 1 1 0
Number of interns that come from a Counseling Psychology program 2 1 2 2 3 3 4
Number of interns that come from a School Psychology program 0
Range of integrated assessment reports: lowest number of reports written 1 1 1 4
Range of integrated assessment reports: highest number of reports written 14 18 16 20
Summary of Post Internship Employment Settings of Each Internship Class (1st Placement)
2022-2023 2023-2024
Academic teaching:
Community mental health center: 1 0
Consortium: 0 0
University Counseling Center: 0 0
Hospital/Medical Center: 0 1
Veterans Affairs Health Care System: 0 0
Psychiatric facility: 0 0
Correctional facility: 0 0
Health Maintenance Organization: 0 0
School district/system: 0 0
Independent practice setting: 2 2
Other (Academic Psychology Department): 1 1
Link to Program's Trainee Admissions, Support, and Outcome Data: