Department : Psychological Services Department

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Member Site Information
APPIC Member Number: 1651
Program Type: Internship
Membership Type: Full Membership
Site: Fort Worth Independent School District
Department: Psychological Services Department
Address: FWISD Psychological Services
215 NE 14th Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76164
Country: United States
Metro Area: Not Applicable
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX MSA
Distance from Major City: Fort Worth is a major city
Phone: 817-814-2820
Fax: 817-814-2825
Training Director Email:
Co-Training Director Email:
Web Address:
Brochure Website's Address:
Primary Agency Type: School District
Additional Agency Types:
  • School District
Member of APPIC since:
APA Accreditation Accredited
CPA Accreditation Not Accredited
Internship Staff/Faculty Information
Training Director: Pamela Cioffi
Chief Psychologist: Joseph Leeman
Number of Full-Time Licensed Doctoral Psychologists on Staff/Faculty 1
Number of Part-Time Licensed Doctoral Psychologists on Staff/Faculty 0
Position Information
Start Date: 07/21/2025
Number of Full Time Slots Expected Next Class: 2
Number of Part Time Slots Expected Next Class: 0
Full Time Annual Stipend for Next Class: 30500
Part Time Annual Stipend for Next Class: 0
Fringe Benefits: Dissertation Release Time, Dental Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Insurance, Professional Development Time, Sick Leave,
Other Fringe Benefits (not indicated above):
Brief description of the typical work day for an intern at this training site The work week is generally 40-45 hours depending on the rotation. FWISD complies with federal and state labor standards. Interns can log hours above the 40 paid hours while conducting research, completing dissertation requirements, and there are a few volunteer (after hours) opportunities that may count for log time (supervisor approval required) There are many rotations from which to choose as indicated in the brochure. There is adequate opportunity to obtain 2000 hours.
Does this site have practicum psychology students on site? Yes
Doctoral Psychology Practicum StudentsYes
Masters Psychology Practicum StudentsYes
Do Psychology Interns/Postdocs Have the Opportunity to Supervise Practicum Students?Yes
Is this program fully affiliated with one or more doctoral programs? No
Is this program partially affiliated with one or more doctoral programs? No
Internship Application Process
Accepting Applicants: No
Application Due Date: The data is not updated for current year. We are showing the previous data.

11/20/2020 11:59 PM
Interviews at this site are:
A Virtual Interview is:
Interview notification date: N/A
Tentative interview date: N/A
Interview process description:

*Note: for the 2024-2025 Internship Cycle, FWISD will not be accepting applicants through APPIC or participating in the Match through NMS.


Information regarding the interview process during years FWISD is participating in the APPIC Match:

Interviews are offered on several Fridays in January of the application year (i.e., January, 2025, for the 2025-2026 internship cycle year). There are three interview sessions with two interviewers in each session. FWISD conducts interviews virtually through videoconference. Interviews are methodically coordinated with specific schedules for each interviewee to ensure a smooth and efficient interview process for all parties. In addition to the structured interview sessions, one session is incorporated into the interview schedule in which current FWISD interns share a presentation about our program and general information about Fort Worth. There is also a session on the interview schedule that provides interviewees an opportunity to engage in a Q & A with the current FWISD interns.

Applicants will be notified via email in December of the application year as to whether or not they will be interviewed. Applicants are encouraged to check spam folders for emails. Requests to meet with specific staff of FWISD are welcome, and it is recommended that requests are made in advance. 

Applications are due by 11:59 pm on the date specified by FWISD in the APPIC Program Directory - no extensions will be granted and all materials MUST be received by the deadline.

How to obtain application info: Email the Program
Preferred method of contacting the program: Email the Program
We have matched with interns from these programs: Please see lengthy list at end of the online booklet.
Internship Applicant Requirements
US Citizenship Required: Yes
If NOT a U.S. Citizen, Authorization to Work or to Engage in Practical Training (CPT or OPT) in the US is Required: No
Canadian Citizenship Required: No
If NOT a Canadian Citizen, Authorization to Work in Canada or to Engage in Practical Training (CPT or OPT) in Canada is Required: No
Masters Degree Required: No
Comprehensive Exams Passed: Yes, by ranking deadline
Dissertation Proposal Approved: Yes, by start of internship
Dissertation Defended: No
Minimum Number of AAPI Intervention Hours (if applicable):
Minimum Number of AAPI Assessment Hours (if applicable):
Minimum Number of Combined Intervention and Assessment Hours (if applicable):
Does your program require applicants to submit supplemental materials (i.e., an assessment report and/or a case/treatment summary):
Minimum Number of Years of Grad Training Required (if applicable): 3
Accepted / Not-Accepted Program Types
Clinical Psychology Not Accepted
Counseling Psychology Not Accepted
School Psychology Accepted
APA-Accredited Accepted
CPA-Accredited Accepted
Non-Accredited Accepted
Ph.D Degree Accepted
Psy.D. Degree Accepted
Ed.D. Degree Not Accepted
This institution, department, internship, or postdoctoral program requires trainees to sign a statement about personal behavior and/or religious beliefs as a condition of admission and/or retention in the program: No
How to obtain text of statement:
Other Requirements:
Program Description

*Note: for the 2024-2025 Internship Cycle, FWISD will not be accepting applicants through APPIC or participating in the Match through NMS.


Fort Worth Independent School District has provided pre-doctoral professional School Psychology training for over 25 years in a culturally rich, urban setting. The internship has been accredited by APA since l997. Direct and experiential training are provided in consultation, assessment, behavior intervention strategies, counseling, suicide and violence risk assessments, crisis intervention, ethics, legal guidelines, educational planning, and research. Interns pursue their professional interests through participation in rotations with special populations. These include students served in programs for Emotional Disturbance, Autism Spectrum Disorder, homelessness, and alternatively placed students. A broad spectrum of problems are addressed across the behavioral health, mental health, and intellectual disability spectrum. Under supervision and in concert with other professionals, interns provide a realm of services including consultation, assessment, behavior management, crisis intervention, counseling, IEP meetings, and educational planning for general and special education students to promote student achievement. Various settings are available, including traditional and special schools, special education units, hospital classrooms, and school-based counseling centers. Interns collaborate with professionals from many disciplines, and they participate in didactics and supervision. The internship manual outlines specific goals and objectives consistent with APA standards, ethical guidelines, and state requirements for licensure as a Psychologist. Interns set individualized professional goals and participate in selecting their rotations, with guidance from supervisors. Specialized rotations are encouraged after the first quarterly review to allow for the intern to acclimate to the FWISD model. The program's goal is to move interns from student status to practicing professional colleagues. The internship requires 1800 hours over 10.5 months. It is possible to obtain 2000 hours with outside research, volunteer hours, additional duties, which may or may not be compensated. PLEASE NOTE:  should a candidate match, final offer of employment is contingent on passing a background check and compliance with our Talent Management requirements.

Internship Training Opportunities


Children: Yes
Adolescents: Yes
Older Adults:
Ethnic minorities: Yes
Spanish-speaking: Yes
Students: Yes
International Students:
Urban: Yes
Low income: Yes
People without housing: Yes

Treatment Modalities

Assessment: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Individual Therapy: Experience (21% to 30%)
Couples Therapy:
Family Therapy:
Group Therapy: Experience (21% to 30%)
Community Intervention:
Consultation/Liaison: Experience (21% to 30%)
Crisis Intervention: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Brief Psychotherapy:
Long-term Psychotherapy:
Cognitive Rehabilitation:
Primary Care:
Evidenced Based Practice:
Evidence Based Research:
Supervision of Practicum students : Experience (21% to 30%)


Health Psychology:
Women's Health:
Eating Disorders:
Sexual Disorders:
Sports Psychology:
Rehabilitation Psychology:
Physical Disabilities:
Learning Disabilities: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Developmental Disabilities: Experience (21% to 30%)
Assessment: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Neuropsychology-Child: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Serious Mental Illness: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Anxiety Disorders: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Trauma/PTSD: Experience (21% to 30%)
Sexual Abuse:
Substance Use Disorders:
Sexual Offenders:
School: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Counseling: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Vocational/Career Development:
Multicultural Therapy:
Feminist Therapy:
Religion/Spirituality: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Empirically-Supported Treatments:
Public Policy/Advocacy:
Program Development/Evaluation:
Supervision: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Research: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Integrated health care - primary:
Integrated health care - specialty:

Additional information about training opportunities: Not all rotations or training experiences may be available as described in the APPIC Directory. Please consult the program's application materials or their website at:  for a complete description of the training opportunities available at this training site. IF the site has not updated their information by August 1, feel free to contact the Training Director for additional information.

Summary of the Characteristics of the Specified Internship Class
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Number of Completed Applications: 65 64 82 59 65 54
Number of applicants invited for interviews: 24 24 20 20 18 25
Total number of interns: 3 3 2 2 2 2
Total number of interns from APA/CPA accredited programs: 3 3 2 2 2 2
Total number of interns from Ph.D. programs: 3 3 2 2 1 2
Total number of interns from Psy.D. programs: 0 0 0 0 1
Total number of interns from Ed.D. programs: 0 0 0 0 0
Number of interns that come from a Clinical Psychology program 0 0 0 0 0
Number of interns that come from a Counseling Psychology program 0 0 0 0 0
Number of interns that come from a School Psychology program 3 3 2 2 2 2
Range of integrated assessment reports: lowest number of reports written na 17 17 20 0
Range of integrated assessment reports: highest number of reports written na 25 28 26 30
Summary of Post Internship Employment Settings of Each Internship Class (1st Placement)
2022-2023 2023-2024
Academic teaching:
Community mental health center: 0 0
Consortium: 0 0
University Counseling Center: 0 0
Hospital/Medical Center: 2 0
Veterans Affairs Health Care System: 0 0
Psychiatric facility: 0 0
Correctional facility: 0 0
Health Maintenance Organization: 0 0
School district/system: 0 0
Independent practice setting: 0 0
Other (Academic Psychology Department): 0 0
Link to Program's Trainee Admissions, Support, and Outcome Data: