Site Name: Salt Lake City Veterans Affairs Healthcare System
Department: MIRECC
Our interview process is designed to be responsive to the applicant's availability and needs. The first round of interviews is virtually or in person, depending on the applicant's location. This first interview is generally with 2 of our program psychologists in order to discuss the program, applicant's research and clinical, and answer any questions. A second interview is then offered with other MIRECC faculty and staff so that the applicant can get more information about our program, and we can learn more about their interests and goals. A follow-up in-person interview may be offered if the applicant has not visited our site. Requests to meet with specific staff are welcome.
Applications are currently being accepted for the VISN 19 MIRECC VA Advanced Fellowship Program in Mental Illness Research and Treatment, which is housed at the Salt Lake City MIRECC. This is a two-year position. The mission of the VISN 19 MIRECC is to study suicide risk and behavior with the goal of reducing suicidality in the veteran population. To carry out this mission, members of the VISN 19 MIRECC: 1) focus on cognitive and neurobiological underpinnings that may contribute to suicidality; 2) develop evidence-based educational and clinical materials to identify and optimally treat veterans who are suicidal; 3) provide consultation regarding assessment and treatment planning for highly suicidal veterans; 4) mentor researchers in the area of suicidology; and 5) collaborate with others in the study and treatment of veterans who are at risk of suicide. There is an emphasis on the neurobiology of individuals with severe psychiatric disorders who are at risk for suicide.
(training opportunities continued)
Clinical research on suicide risk and prevention across Veteran groups
Additional information about training opportunities: Not all rotations or training experiences may be available as described in the APPIC Directory. Please consult the program's application materials or their website at: for a complete description of the training opportunities available at this training site. IF the site has not updated their information by August 1, feel free to contact the Training Director for additional information.