
Department : Psychology Internship Program

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Member Site Information
APPIC Member Number: 1781
Program Type: Internship
Membership Type: Full Membership
Site: Nebraska Mental Health Centers
Department: Psychology Internship Program
Address: 4545 South 86th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68526
Country: United States
Metro Area: Not Applicable
Distance from Major City: Main Location is in Lincoln, Nebraska's Capital City!
Phone: 402-483-6990x
Fax: 402-483-7045
Training Director Email:
Co-Training Director Email:
Web Address:
Brochure Website's Address:
Primary Agency Type: Private Outpatient Clinic
Additional Agency Types:
  • Community Mental Health Center
  • Private Outpatient Clinic
Member of APPIC since: 2011
APA Accreditation Accredited
CPA Accreditation Not Accredited
Internship Staff/Faculty Information
Training Director: Melissa Lafferty
Chief Psychologist: Leland Zlomke
Number of Full-Time Licensed Doctoral Psychologists on Staff/Faculty 2
Number of Part-Time Licensed Doctoral Psychologists on Staff/Faculty 2
Position Information
Start Date: 08/04/2025
Number of Full Time Slots Expected Next Class: 3
Number of Part Time Slots Expected Next Class: 0
Full Time Annual Stipend for Next Class: 32000
Part Time Annual Stipend for Next Class:
Fringe Benefits: Dissertation Release Time, Professional Development Time, Sick Leave, Vacation
Other Fringe Benefits (not indicated above): Paid holidays
Brief description of the typical work day for an intern at this training site Nebraska Mental Health Centers is a large private practice/community mental health clinic that serves early childhood, youth, adolescent and adult clients. In a typical week an intern will provide various services to include: individual and group therapy, (DBT, anger management, domestic violence, youth probation), a wide array of psychological assessment, didactic training, and group and individual supervision. Interns will also have the opportunity to work within the school settings to provide behavioral health interventions in the classroom and also to work with school staff members to address the needs of the interdisciplinary teams. Interns will also have the opportunity to become certified in Parent/Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). Typical Intern Weekly Schedule: Outpatient Therapy (in office/telehealth) - approximately 22 hours In School Intervention - approximately 5 hours Group Intervention - approximately 1.5 hours Assessment - approximately 1.5 hours Administrative Time - approximately 4 hours Individual Supervision - 2 hours Group supervision - 2 hours Didactics (Clinical/Assessment) - 2 hours Total 40 hours The amount of face-to-face client time increases as Interns’ skill and comfort level increases. While the focus of the Internship is always on training and not “productivity,” in order for Interns to successfully transition to the demands of a future independent practice, they must develop the stamina and efficiency in service provision and documentation to begin to approximate the typical expectations for a licensed psychologist in a future practice setting. At the beginning of the internship each intern is introduced to approximately 15 patients for ongoing therapy. Therapy experiences are augmented at this time by sitting in on individual or family therapy sessions with a supervisor or adjunct training staff member. Caseloads will increase in numbers as internship progresses with the goal to see an average of 22 patient appointments weekly. The total number of clients on an intern’s caseload will generally be 25 patients as we want to take into account the “expected” patient cancellations and no shows. Interns are also assigned psychological/psychometric assessment cases as competency with various instruments is demonstrated and demand align.
Does this site have practicum psychology students on site? Yes
Doctoral Psychology Practicum StudentsNo
Masters Psychology Practicum StudentsYes
Do Psychology Interns/Postdocs Have the Opportunity to Supervise Practicum Students?Yes
Is this program fully affiliated with one or more doctoral programs? No
Is this program partially affiliated with one or more doctoral programs? No
Internship Application Process
Accepting Applicants: Yes
Application Due Date: 12/30/2024 11:59 PM EST
A Virtual Interview are: Required
Interview notification date: 01/10/2025
Tentative interview date: 01/17/2025, 01/18/2025
Interview process description:

We will be utilizing Virtual Interviews and online/virtual open house for the 2025-2026 internship year interview process. Information about this format and process will be included as part of the interview invitation.

Our process typically involves applicants speaking with the Training Committee and the Executive Director. Applicants might also speak to additional faculty. In addition, applicants will be provided informal time to talk with our current interns.  We also ask applicants to complete a written portion of the interview process.

Applicants are notified of eligibility for an interview via email or telephone, with a specific interview date being established at that time. The applicant will be given a specific time for their individual interview, but are also involved throughout the day speaking with additional staff and participating in question/answer sessions. 


How to obtain application info: Email the Program
Preferred method of contacting the program: Email the Program
We have matched with interns from these programs:
Internship Applicant Requirements
US Citizenship Required: No
If NOT a U.S. Citizen, Authorization to Work or to Engage in Practical Training (CPT or OPT) in the US is Required: Yes
Canadian Citizenship Required: No
If NOT a Canadian Citizen, Authorization to Work in Canada or to Engage in Practical Training (CPT or OPT) in Canada is Required: No
Masters Degree Required: Yes, by ranking deadline
Comprehensive Exams Passed: Yes, by ranking deadline
Dissertation Proposal Approved: Yes, by start of internship
Dissertation Defended: No
Minimum Number of AAPI Intervention Hours (if applicable): 500
Minimum Number of AAPI Assessment Hours (if applicable): 100
Minimum Number of Combined Intervention and Assessment Hours (if applicable):
Does your program require applicants to submit supplemental materials (i.e., an assessment report and/or a case/treatment summary): No
Minimum Number of Years of Grad Training Required (if applicable):
Accepted / Not-Accepted Program Types
Clinical Psychology Accepted
Counseling Psychology Accepted
School Psychology Not Accepted
APA-Accredited Accepted
CPA-Accredited Accepted
Non-Accredited Accepted
Ph.D Degree Accepted
Psy.D. Degree Accepted
Ed.D. Degree Accepted
This institution, department, internship, or postdoctoral program requires trainees to sign a statement about personal behavior and/or religious beliefs as a condition of admission and/or retention in the program: No
How to obtain text of statement:
Other Requirements: Licensure by the Nebraska Division of Public Health/Licensure Unit as a provisional licensed mental health practitioner (PLMHP) is required by the first day of employment. Licensure fee, if applicable to intern, is paid by the intern. NMHC will provide assistance with this process.
Program Description

NMHC Psychology Internship Program is pleased to announce that APA accreditation of the internship program was granted July 21, 2019.

The mission of the NMHC-Psychology Internship Program (NMHC-PIP) is to provide an open and
research-informed learning environment in which to train competent, ethical and reflective psychologists who have acquired the awareness, knowledge and skills fundamental to the practiceof professional psychology. A program expectation is that interns are capable of entry-level autonomous practice at the end of the training year.

The focus of our training is concentrated on the development of APA’s SoA’s profession-wide competencies through integration of theory with practice by providing experiences that are sequential, cumulative, and graded in complexity. The scientist-practitioner model is used for the emphasis on research informed clinical practice and service delivery, as well as supervised and supported learning. Consistent with training model, interns are treated as professional colleagues who are expected to function as “primary” clinical therapists. As they become an increasingly independent practitioners, they also are provided an opportunity to develop their own interests.

Highlights of the training program:

  • Individualized training plans are developed at the start of the training year based on the interns prior clinical experiences, interests, and career goals.
  • Ability to identify and utilize evidence-based interventions from a variety of theoretical orientations that are based on the patient’s strengths and needs.
  • Psychological assessment is an emphasized component with opportunity to gain experience in psychological, neuropsychological, substance use, and forensic specific assessment measures for children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. 
  • Training experience and discussion for growth in the level of awareness and responsiveness to diversity, particularly the relevance of cultural and linguistic factors considered in conceptualizing psychological functioning.
  • Serve children, adolescents, adults and seniors diagnosed with a wide variety of psychological and neuropsychological conditions through the provision of short and long-term individual and family psychotherapy, group therapy, setting specific service delivery, consultation, outreach programming, program evaluation/research, and administrative functions.
  • Specific opportunities for clinical care include
    • Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of behavioral health disorders and neuropsychological conditions
    • Provide supervised leadership for various group therapy for the juvenile and adult probation systems
    • Co-facilitate a group for men with history of committing adult domestic violence.
    • Unique to our training program is the cultural understanding of rural offices and the difference in service provision between rural and more urban settings. 
    • Opportunity to become certified in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
    • Provide behavioral and mental health interventions within the school setting and work  within the interdisciplinary team.
    • Provide forensic psychology services
    • Overall, the breadth of experience that is available and received provides a solid foundation for a psychology intern to successfully and confidently transition into the next phase of their career.

 NMHC is a multi-site that serves eastern and southeastern Nebraska. A broad ethnic and cultural diverse population is provided services in each of the clinic sites and service locations. NMHC places a strong emphasis on providing quality, accessible services and meeting unmet needs in the community.There is a cooperative and collaborative working relationship with NMHC’s part time psychiatric service provider.

  • The primary site in Lincoln, NE provides services for a population center of 27,000. Interns will be at this site 3 days a week.
  • Clinic Hours are: Monday - Thursday  9/10am - 7pm; Friday 8am-5pm (Lincoln only)
  • Satellite clinics are located in the communities of Beatrice and Wahoo, NE. Interns will be at each of these sites, or an alternate service locations,2 days per week.
    • The Beatrice satellite clinic serves a rural community of approximately 13,000 and the surrounding communities that contain a large population of socially and economically challenged families.
    • The Wahoo clinic is newly established in Auguest, 2022 and serves a rural community of 4,500 and the surrounding communities.

The psychology internship program is designed to be a 2000 clinical hours, which includes a minimum of 1000 direct patient contact hours, in a 12-month learning experience with intern full-time equivalency of at least 40 hours/weekly. NMHC-PIP requires interns to have 75% of their total time involved in direct patient service delivery including direct patient therapy, testing, patient reports and documentation, and consultation.

Internship Training Opportunities


Children: Yes
Adolescents: Yes
Adults: Yes
Family: Yes
Older Adults: Yes
Outpatients: Yes
Ethnic minorities: Yes
Spanish-speaking: Yes
Students: Yes
International Students: Yes
Rural: Yes
Urban: Yes
Low income: Yes
People without housing: Yes

Treatment Modalities

Assessment: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Individual Therapy: Major Area of Study (50% or Greater)
Couples Therapy: Experience (21% to 30%)
Family Therapy: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Group Therapy: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Community Intervention: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Consultation/Liaison: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Crisis Intervention: Experience (21% to 30%)
Brief Psychotherapy: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Long-term Psychotherapy: Experience (21% to 30%)
Cognitive Rehabilitation:
Primary Care:
Evidenced Based Practice: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Evidence Based Research: Experience (21% to 30%)
Supervision of Practicum students : Exposure (1% to 20%)


Health Psychology: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Women's Health: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Eating Disorders: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Sexual Disorders: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Sports Psychology:
Rehabilitation Psychology:
Physical Disabilities:
Learning Disabilities: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Developmental Disabilities: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Assessment: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Neuropsychology-Adult: Experience (21% to 30%)
Neuropsychology-Child: Experience (21% to 30%)
Serious Mental Illness: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Anxiety Disorders: Experience (21% to 30%)
Trauma/PTSD: Experience (21% to 30%)
Sexual Abuse: Experience (21% to 30%)
Substance Use Disorders: Experience (21% to 30%)
Forensics/Corrections: Experience (21% to 30%)
Sexual Offenders: Experience (21% to 30%)
Geropsychology: Experience (21% to 30%)
Pediatrics: Experience (21% to 30%)
School: Experience (21% to 30%)
Counseling: Emphasis (31% to 49%)
Vocational/Career Development: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Multicultural Therapy: Experience (21% to 30%)
Feminist Therapy: Experience (21% to 30%)
Religion/Spirituality: Experience (21% to 30%)
Empirically-Supported Treatments: Experience (21% to 30%)
Public Policy/Advocacy: Experience (21% to 30%)
Program Development/Evaluation: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Supervision: Experience (21% to 30%)
Research: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Administration: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Integrated health care - primary: Exposure (1% to 20%)
Integrated health care - specialty:

Additional information about training opportunities: Not all rotations or training experiences may be available as described in the APPIC Directory. Please consult the program's application materials or their website at:  for a complete description of the training opportunities available at this training site. IF the site has not updated their information by August 1, feel free to contact the Training Director for additional information.

Summary of the Characteristics of the Specified Internship Class
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Number of Completed Applications: 11 5 5 52 48 32 71
Number of applicants invited for interviews: 11 5 5 36 31 24 37
Total number of interns: 3 1 5 52 3 4
Total number of interns from APA/CPA accredited programs: 6 5 4 52 48 2 62
Total number of interns from Ph.D. programs: 1 0 0 20 14 0 32
Total number of interns from Psy.D. programs: 10 5 5 32 34 3 38
Total number of interns from Ed.D. programs: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Number of interns that come from a Clinical Psychology program 11 5 5 47 41 3 60
Number of interns that come from a Counseling Psychology program 0 0 0 5 7 0 9
Number of interns that come from a School Psychology program 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Range of integrated assessment reports: lowest number of reports written 2 0 1 2 0 1 0
Range of integrated assessment reports: highest number of reports written 94 20 16 42 152 12 104
Summary of Post Internship Employment Settings of Each Internship Class (1st Placement)
2022-2023 2023-2024
Academic teaching:
Community mental health center: 0 1
Consortium: 0 0
University Counseling Center: 1 0
Hospital/Medical Center: 2 0
Veterans Affairs Health Care System: 0 0
Psychiatric facility: 0 0
Correctional facility: 0 0
Health Maintenance Organization: 1 0
School district/system: 0 0
Independent practice setting: 0 2
Other (Academic Psychology Department): 0 0
Link to Program's Trainee Admissions, Support, and Outcome Data: